JEFF DAHL & DEMONS - On the Streets and In Our Hearts 12" EP

[D GHR191] JEFF DAHL & DEMONS - On the Streets and In Our Hearts 12" EP

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Product Description
JEFF DAHL & DEMONS - On the Streets and In Our Hearts 12" EP

Hot on the heels of his last studio album the 'Made In Hawaii' back in 2017 Dahl is in the studio cutting some tunes with Swedens The Demons whilst on a short stopover in the country late in 2017; of course it makes sense to lay down some tracks which bring us nicely to 'On The Streets And In Our Hearts' and what you have is six lean mean and fucked up takes of some classic tunes. It's more punk rock than most could feasibly muster and their take of the well-worn path that is the Dead Boys 'Sonic Reducer' Dahl spits and snarls as his pick up band do a half decent job. With Mathias Carlsson on guitar, Micke Jacobsson on drums and Tristan Jeanneau on Bass they are cooking up a feast and taking this six-track EP apart.